Frequently Asked Questions

What should I provide with my new request?

In order to assess your membership request, we will need certain documents. These can be emailed or mailed.

  • Professional and allied member: Transcript and diploma (In the event that you have not yet received your diploma, you can provide a letter from the university stating that you have completed all the requirements for the master’s degree and that you are awaiting the graduation.)
  • Student member: Proof of student status

Recognized Training

The minimum requirement to become a professional member is a master’s degree in art therapy.

In Quebec, two universities offer the master’s program in art therapy; UQAT and Concordia University. Universities are responsible for admissions to their programs. It is therefore necessary to check directly with them for the prerequisites for the Master.s program.

Consult the EDUCATION STANDARDS – JANUARY 2024 for more detailed information on possible equivalencies. An assessment of your equivalencies will be required, which will be made by the Educational Equivalencies Committee.

Here is a list of approved CANADIAN PROGRAMS.


Internship Opportunity
The AATQ does not offer internship opportunities. In Quebec, universities are responsible for their student’s internships.


Who can I contact if I have further questions regarding membership?
Please direct your questions to the MEMBERSHIP COMMITEE.


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