Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility
Maison des Arts Participatifs
at the heart of Lafontaine Park)
3819, av. Calixa-Lavallée
Montreal (Quebec) H2L 3A7
Parking available
Whispered translations from English to French and from French to English will be available.
10am - 12pm
Nancy Couture (she) &
Catherine de Lanux (she)
(in French)
Research presentation:
Portrait of Art Therapy in Quebec
12pm - 1pm
Lunch & art-making
Natalia's Kitchen and the Plateau Art Hives
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Annual General
Meeting (AGM)
In person
and via video conference
9am - 10:30am
Sonia Robertson (she) (in French)
Puamun mak
/ dream and tall women
10:30am - 12pm
Dante Andrei (he) & Andrea Cook (she) (in French)
Presentation on sexual and gender diversity
(title to come)
12pm - 1pm
Lunch & art-making
Kitchen and the Plateau Art Hives
1pm - 2pm
Noriko Baba (she) (in English)
Diversity & Inclusion in Art Therapy
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Lily Jiménez Dabdoub (she) (in English)
our practices delving into self-reflection and critical thinking to foster a healthy cultural humility competence
Natali Ortiz (she), Rachel Chainey (she/they) and Jade Willshaw (she)
(in French and in English)
Listening circle: creative care through experiences of collective trauma.
Trigger warning: sensitive topics related to intimate partner and gender-based violence will be addressed during this session.
4:30pm - 5:15pm
Dante Andrei (he) & Andrea Cook (she) (in French)
Workshop: Nude Figure Drawing with
Self-Tying Ritual
Cost: $5 payable on site
Bring your own materials - Limited places
Dr. Johanne Hamel, psychologist and psychotherapist through art, is an undisputed art therapy pioneer in Quebec. Originally trained in psychology, she taught at the Cégep de Sherbrooke before developing her art therapy expertise at the Eagle Rock Trail Art Therapy Institute in California.
She then practiced art therapy in private practice and founded the Institute for Professional Training in Art Psychotherapy where, with some colleagues, she taught art therapy in French. This training was subsequently adapted to be offered as part of graduate programs in art therapy at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), the only master’s degree in art therapy offered in French in North America.
Dr. Johanne Hamel is also the author of articles and books in French and English, including L'art-thérapie somatique pour aider à guérir la douleur chronique and Rêve, art-thérapie et guérison: de l’autre côté du miroir, as well as a book on dreams in English only: Art therapy, Dreams and Nightmares
The Dream of the Jaguar.
Now a retired UQAT professor, in addition to continuing a private practice of 2 days/week, she continues to offer training in Thailand, Geneva, Switzerland, Costa Rica and online. She gives lectures to various international organizations, such as on dreams in the Netherlands last June and in the USA in 2022, on somatic art therapy in Europe and Tunisia in 2025 or 2026, etc.
“Johanne has been an exceptional teacher and inspiring mentor to me, and now she is a most valuable friend.”
- Sophie Boudrias
REGISTRATION TYPE | Two days | Saturday, September 21 |
Sunday, September 22 |
Student | 60 $ | 20 $ | 40 $ |
Allied Member | 90 $ | 30 $ | 60 $ |
Affiliate Member | 90 $ | 30 $ | 60 $ |
Professional Member | 90 $ | 30 $ | 60 $ |
General Public | 120 $ | ||
Board Member | Free | Free | Free |
Honorary Member | Free | Free | Free |
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