Yagmur Aksu


+1 (438) 5272397

Clientèle cible :

Adolescents 12-18, Adultes, Enfants 0-5 ans, Enfants 6-12, Jeunes adultes 18-25

Approches et techniques privilégiées :

Expressive arts therapy

Approches art-thérapeutiques :

Approche studio (non directive), Centrée sur le processus artistique, ETC (Expressive Therapies Continuum)

Approches thérapies créatives :

Approche par la thérapie par le jeu, Approche par le jeu de sable, Approche par le psychodrame, Danse mouvement thérapie, Drama Thérapie, Musico thérapie

Pratique clinique et méthodes d'intervention :

My approach to therapy is rooted in a gentle, slow and compassionate framework that emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions. I believe in the power and responsibility of being the compassionate observer of someone’s creative and emotional unfolding. By incorporating evidence-based techniques and personalized treatment plans, I strive to empower clients to develop coping strategies, build resilience, and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves. I like to meet people where they are at, understanding their unique perspectives and experiences. I strongly believe in looking into the resources of someone, including their strengths, skills, and support systems, and then going from there. It’s important to acknowledge the individuality of each person and tailor my approach to meet their specific needs, whether it’s in personal growth, professional development, or any other aspect of their lives.

  • Parle : Anglais, Turkish

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