Robin Luckwaldt

Rachel / Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC H2W 1Y7, Canada

Clientèle cible :

Adolescents 12-18, Adultes, Enfants 6-12, Groupes, Jeunes adultes 18-25

Expertises :

Difficultés personnelles et relationnelles

Approches art-thérapeutiques :

Centrée sur le processus artistique

Approches thérapies créatives :

Approche par la thérapie par le jeu, Drama Thérapie

Diplômes et certifications professionnels :

M.A. Creative Arts Therapies, focus in Drama Therapy
Graduate Certificate, Child Centred Play Therapy

Pratique clinique et méthodes d'intervention :

An important part of my practice is flexible responsiveness to each person I hold sessions with. Our work together will be a collaboration in finding what works best for you in your therapeutic goals, and I will always do my best to adapt the tools I bring to our sessions to suit your needs for communication, processing, and self-understanding. Sometimes our sessions may involve sitting and talking through important details of the past and present. Sometimes our sessions may involve a lot of imagination and artful exploration of how to best approach your challenges. Sometimes our sessions may transform your life into metaphor, and we will find it most accessible to approach the underbelly of your struggles through this lens. In every case, I will follow your lead and respect your judgement about what you most need to move towards growth. I approach sessions with a humanistic, client-centred, attachment-oriented lens, and can offer tools based in talk therapy, creative arts therapies, or play therapy. My goal will always be to empower you to feel possibility, curiosity, and engagement in your progress. I believe in you. :)

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